JSpaceCanada strongly condemns the first steps in the Israeli government’s judicial overhaul, the abolishing of the “reasonableness standard”, which passed first reading on Monday, July 10.


When this bill passes, it will significantly reduce judicial review of the government and its officials and increase the difficulty for the Court to intervene when elected officials make corrupt or dangerous decisions. 

"JSpaceCanada calls on Canadian Jewish leaders and the community to see what is happening in Israel right now as a wake-up call" said JSpaceCanada chair, Joe Roberts. “There are no ‘two sides’ when it comes to preserving democracy. If you care about Israel, if you are pro-Israel, now is the time to raise your voice. Now is the time to stand in solidarity with the brave Israelis fighting for their democracy - the democracy of the Jewish homeland and the Jewish people."  

Since the beginning of the judicial overhaul, JSpaceCanada has stood up boldly and led the Canadian Jewish community in opposing in the harshest terms the dangerous and unilateral moves taken by the current Netanyahu governing coalition. JSpaceCanada stands firmly with the protestors, their right to protest peacefully, and their freedom of assembly.

JSpaceCanada calls on all Canadian Jewish organizations to vocally and publicly join us in this fight for the soul of Israel and the Zionist dream.